Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bonne Justice

I just totally remembered that I have more than one French song on my MacBook. I only remember that I have Il Avait Les Mots and nothing else. There is still Bonne Justice! I first encountered it when I was watching Nijuu Mensou No Musume. The lyrics came from the poem, Bonne Justice by the French poet, Eugène Émile Paul Grindel or better known by his pen name, Paul Éluard. I think that the poem is really beautiful. Do you know that the whole plot of Nijuu Mensou No Musume revolves around the fourth state of water, light? It is probably inspired from the poem itself. Don't you think the plot is just lovely? Imagine how cool is that if someone discovered that there is a fourth state of water. There will be a mass burning of textbooks, I presume. I would love to see someone do that. (Shou-chan!)
Bonne Justice

C'est la chaude loi des hommes
Du raisin ils font du vin
Du charbon ils font du feu
Des baisers ils font des hommes

C'est la dure loi des hommes
Se garder intact malgré
Les guerres et la misère
Malgré les dangers de mort

C'est la douce loi des hommes
De changer l'eau en lumière
Le rêve en réalité
ssdsd Et les ennemis en frères

Une loi vieille et nouvelle
Qui va se perfectionnant
Du fond du coeur de l'enfant
Jusqu'à la raison suprême.

Good Justice

It is the warm law of men.
From grapes, they make the wine.
From coals, they make the fire.
From kisses, they make the men.

It is the harsh law of men.
They keep themselves intact despite,
The wars and the misery.
Despite the dangers of death.

It is the kind law of men.
They turn water into light.
They turn dreams into reality.
They turn enemies into brothers.

A law old and new.
That continues perfecting itself,
From the bottom of a child's heart,
To the supreme reason.